Sample Data

The documentation provides very simple example queries based on a small sample network. To be able to execute the sample queries, run the following SQL commands to create a table with a small network data set.

City Network

Create table

CREATE TABLE edge_table (
    source BIGINT,
    target BIGINT,
    cost FLOAT,
    reverse_cost FLOAT,
    x1 FLOAT,
    y1 FLOAT,
    x2 FLOAT,
    y2 FLOAT,
    geom geometry


INSERT INTO edge_table (
    cost, reverse_cost,
    x1, y1,
    x2, y2) VALUES
( 1,  1,    2,   0,    2,   1),
(-1,  1,    2,   1,    3,   1),
(-1,  1,    3,   1,    4,   1),
( 1,  1,    2,   1,    2,   2),
( 1, -1,    3,   1,    3,   2),
( 1,  1,    0,   2,    1,   2),
( 1,  1,    1,   2,    2,   2),
( 1,  1,    2,   2,    3,   2),
( 1,  1,    3,   2,    4,   2),
( 1,  1,    2,   2,    2,   3),
( 1, -1,    3,   2,    3,   3),
( 1, -1,    2,   3,    3,   3),
( 1, -1,    3,   3,    4,   3),
( 1,  1,    2,   3,    2,   4),
( 1,  1,    4,   2,    4,   3),
( 1,  1,    4,   1,    4,   2),
( 1,  1,    0.5, 3.5,  1.999999999999, 3.5),
( 1,  1,    3.5, 2.3,  3.5, 4);

Update geometry

UPDATE edge_table SET geom = st_makeline(st_point(x1,y1),st_point(x2,y2));

Add Topology

SELECT pgr_createTopology('edge_table',0.001, the_geom =>'geom');

pgr_PickDeliver data

Vehicles table

CREATE TABLE vehicles (
      start_node_id BIGINT,
      start_x FLOAT,
      start_y FLOAT,
      start_open FLOAT,
      start_close FLOAT,
      capacity FLOAT

INSERT INTO vehicles
(start_node_id, start_x,  start_y,  start_open,  start_close,  capacity) VALUES
(            6,       3,        2,           0,           50,        50),
(            6,       3,        2,           0,           50,        50);

Orders table

    demand FLOAT,
    -- the pickups
    p_node_id BIGINT,
    p_x FLOAT,
    p_y FLOAT,
    p_open FLOAT,
    p_close FLOAT,
    p_service FLOAT,
    -- the deliveries
    d_node_id BIGINT,
    d_x FLOAT,
    d_y FLOAT,
    d_open FLOAT,
    d_close FLOAT,
    d_service FLOAT

    p_node_id,  p_x, p_y,  p_open,  p_close,  p_service,
    d_node_id,  d_x, d_y,  d_open,  d_close,  d_service) VALUES
            3,    3,   1,      2,         10,          3,
            8,    1,   2,      6,         15,          3),
            9,    4,   2,      4,         15,          2,
            4,    4,   1,      6,         20,          3),
            5,    2,   2,      2,         10,          3,
           11,    3,   3,      3,         20,          3);

vrp_oneDepot data

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS solomon_100_RC_101 cascade;
CREATE TABLE solomon_100_RC_101 (
    id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    order_unit integer,
    open_time integer,
    close_time integer,
    service_time integer,
    x float8,
    y float8

COPY solomon_100_RC_101
(id, x, y, order_unit, open_time, close_time, service_time) FROM stdin;
1	40.000000	50.000000	0	0	240	0
2	25.000000	85.000000	20	145	175	10
3	22.000000	75.000000	30	50	80	10
4	22.000000	85.000000	10	109	139	10
5	20.000000	80.000000	40	141	171	10
6	20.000000	85.000000	20	41	71	10
7	18.000000	75.000000	20	95	125	10
8	15.000000	75.000000	20	79	109	10
9	15.000000	80.000000	10	91	121	10
10	10.000000	35.000000	20	91	121	10
11	10.000000	40.000000	30	119	149	10

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vrp_vehicles cascade;
CREATE TABLE vrp_vehicles (
    vehicle_id integer not null primary key,
    capacity integer,
    case_no integer

copy vrp_vehicles (vehicle_id, capacity, case_no) from stdin;
1	200	5
2	200	5
3	200	5

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vrp_distance cascade;
the_matrix_info AS (
    SELECT AS src_id, AS dest_id, sqrt( (a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y)) AS cost
    FROM solomon_100_rc_101 AS A, solomon_100_rc_101 AS B WHERE !=
SELECT src_id, dest_id, cost, cost AS distance, cost AS traveltime
INTO vrp_distance
FROM the_matrix_info;


  • Red arrows correspond when cost > 0 in the edge table.

  • Blue arrows correspond when reverse_cost > 0 in the edge table.

  • Points are outside the graph.

  • Click on the graph to enlarge.

Currently VRP functions work on an undirected graph
